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In recent years, seaweed consumption has risen sharply due to its attractive nutritional profile, environmental sustainability and increasing integration in a variety of food products. Seaweed is now popular for its health benefits and low carbon footprint. This trend is also fuelled by culinary innovation and the expansion of the global seaweed market.

Thanks to its innovative vacuum saturated steam technology, Steripure offers a saturated steam pasteurization solution specifically adapted to seaweed and plants.

What microbiological infections can occur if seaweed is incorrectly handled and stored?

Improperly handled and stored algae can be contaminated with a variety of micro-organisms, such as Vibrio, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, among others, leading to potentially serious infections.

Saturated steam debacterialization technology can correct these problems by effectively eliminating these pathogens.

What are the advantages of saturated steam pasteurization?

  • 5LOG reduction: Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants remain intact, guaranteeing their quality and efficacy.


  • Product moisture content remains unchanged: Before and after processing, there is no need for a drying phase.


  • Pressure control: Perfect control of the saturation of the saturated steam injected, resulting in a highly effective reduction in microbial load.


  • Natural and organic: Our saturated steam treatment method is entirely natural, with no use of chemicals or artificial preservatives.

Discover all the varieties of seaweed treated with Steripure’s technology to date

Nori seaweedRed seaweedLichensea's salad