Building a green business
Building a green business
Individuals and companies alike, we all need to think about our environmental impact. Covid, the war in Ukraine and the latest climatic developments all call on us to accelerate our actions in this direction, and as quickly as possible for eco-companies committed to green business.
Companies are being questioned and scrutinized by their ecosystems (customers, suppliers, public authorities) on the actions they are taking to reduce the environmental impact of their activities.
This approach, known as eco-responsibility, is not new. It is now a strategic attitude that forms part of a company’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy.
How to internalise environmental problems in its production?
To respond to this action, it is necessary to work on two essential dimensions:
- Adopt an environmentally friendly attitude: prevent and reduce the impact of the company’s activity and its teams on the environment.
- Develop and participate in a green sector, the main ones being :
- Water and sanitation
- Recycling and waste recovery
- Renewable energy
- Energy efficiency
- Plant-based chemistry and bio-based products.
The eco-company within everyone’s reach
Writing, deploying and financing a strategy that integrates a true CSR policy is not a snap. Very often, the resources required are such that we imagine that this axis is reserved for large companies.
No, it is not necessary to be a large company to implement an eco-responsible policy and become an eco-company.
SME companies, like Steripure, have understood for some years that introducing eco-responsibility as a strategic axis is also a good way to improve their competitiveness.
Indeed, Steripure, led by the deep convictions of its founder, Olivier Bourgois, has undertaken various actions to reduce its environmental impact.
Respecting the environment : building a green business
Since 2017, as part of a new real estate project to meet its development (construction of a new 2500 m2 factory on the Pôle Morandat site in Gardanne), Steripure has been involved in a real environmental quality approach:
- The photovoltaic panels cover the entire roof, i.e. 2,400 m2 with a peak power of 250 kW.
- A building that meets the standards of the RT 2012 thermal regulation
- 4 electrical outlets have been installed in the car park for free recharging of electric vehicles
- Rainwater is collected to water the garden.
Participating in the development of a green industry
And his approach does not stop with these first actions, which demonstrate his operational desire to respect the environment. Olivier Bourgois is accelerating his company’s eco-responsible commitment by including it in the development and participation of a green industry. His technology, which is recognised in the field of sterilisation and decontamination of products with a low moisture content to combat pathogenic bacteria, consumes fossil energy (150 tonnes of gas).
Also concerned about optimising its use of raw materials and energy whose prices are constantly rising, the company, supported by Ademe, plans to replace traditional fossil resources with renewable resources by the beginning of 2024. In this case, wood chips by replacing the boiler. This development, which requires substantial investment, has a dual objective:
- Environmental: to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and to use regional renewable energy
- Economic: to reduce dependence on fossil fuels in order to remain competitive.
Finally, Steripure’s continuous environmental development is also proof that all companies can act, and all companies must participate in the eco-environmental chain of their sector of activity. Customers, suppliers, isn’t this also one of the key factors in the choice of your partners?