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Sesame seeds, a responsible and demanding Europe

Sesame seeds, a responsible and demanding Europe

Naivety about food imports?


Contaminated sesame seeds: the Senate denounces the failings of the control authorities.

Strengthen controls or organize a more responsible supply chain?

On these points the #exporters in the #producing countries, often far from the concerns of national markets. Should they themselves choose the solution to treat their production against microbial contamination?

The Indian sesame seed crisis (#oxydedethylene) is the perfect example of the drifts that must be avoided. The requirement of European standards is poorly understood. Believing to do well is unfortunately not enough. So, importers, processors, secure the quality of foodstuffs. Do not be naive.


Sesame seeds an example for more controls from Europe? 


In addition, the controls, following this latest crisis on sesame seeds, will be strengthened.

Indeed, in its report, the Committee on Economic Affairs points out the failures of national and European authorities on the control of imported food. “This alert on sesame seeds must serve as a warning,” they insist. The senators point to the insufficient number of random controls due to a budget inadequate to the challenges of health security. “The means implemented in France for these controls show a ratio of only 50 cents of euro of controls for 1,000 euros of imported food”.

Better prevention to avoid contamination?  


Therefore, why wait?  Also it is preferable to be responsible and not to wait for the controls to be sanctioned.

For that, solutions exist. For example, saturated steam pasteurization is one of the best.

Moreover developed by Steripure, it allows to guarantee the good treatment of your foodstuffs to avoid this type of crisis. The performance of its innovative technology is an essential asset.

If you are an importer, exporter or processor, contact us. A simple test can avoid many complications.

#Health #food #nutrition #agro-food #environment

Graines de sésame un exemple pour une europe responsable et exigeante